Invisilights Permanent Christmas Lights

Temporary Installation System

Invisilights Seasonal Installation System

Transform your property with professional-grade LED lighting that combines permanent light quality with temporary installation flexibility. Our innovative clip system lets you easily install and remove lights while maintaining the premium appearance of permanent lighting.

The Invisilights temporary clip system makes our professional-grade permanent lights removable, ideal for:

  • Rental properties where permanent installations aren't allowed

  • Seasonal businesses needing flexibility

  • Properties with HOA restrictions

  • Historic buildings requiring reversible installations

  • Event venues wanting adaptable lighting

  • Vacation homes needing periodic lighting

Professional Quality, Temporary Convenience

The Invisilights seasonal system uses our premium RGBW LED technology with specialized mounting clips that enable quick installation and removal. Each light delivers the same brilliant performance as our permanent installations.

Everything you need for the Invisilights temporary installation:

1 - Invisilights Control System

Invisilights Permanent Christmas Lights controller

Each Invisilights control system comes with:

- Invislights 350 W power supply

- Enclosure box.

The Invisilights controller seamlessly pairs with the Invisilights app for a simple and user-friendly interface.

Each Invisilights controller features three light output ports that each support up to 100 feet of lighting each. For lengths exceeding 100 feet per output, additional power injection materials are required, or consider the 36V system.

1 Invisilights GFCI Outlet Adapter

Invisilights Permanent Christmas Lights controller

Invisilights GFCI Outlet Adapter acts as an electrical safety shield for your outdoor lighting system, instantly cutting power if it detects potential hazards. This automatic protection is crucial for installations exposed to moisture and weather, ensuring safe operation in all conditions.

Invisilights LED Lights with Clips

Invisilights Permanent Christmas Lights LED Lights

Invisilights temporary LED light system comes in 1' lengths with your choice of clips:

- Gutter Clip

- Eave Clip

- Shingle clip

- Extended Fascia/Tile Clip

- Commercial Clip

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